Friday, March 15, 2013

The Ides of Success

Helloo0O Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome back to Graceland Ontario, your one stop location for success advice from the greats. Since today is the legendary Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar, general and dictator, was murdered by the Roman Senate, we’re going to do a post in his favour all about having faith.

Back in 50 BC, Caesar, a Roman war hero and conqueror of Gaul, had made a couple enemies in the Senate, including his once ally and fellow general, Pompeii. Caesar was ordered to disband his legion and come back to Rome by himself to meet his fate.

But Caesar wasn’t a huge fan of people choosing his fate for him. Against the odds, he went with his Thirteenth Legion, crossed the Rubicon River and headed towards Rome, completely outnumbered.

But Pompeii and the Senate didn’t want to fight the illustrious Caesar. And, against all probabilities, Caesar went from fugitive to dictator of Rome.

Now, there were still political issues − you don’t get assassinated when there aren’t any. But, the point remains, Caesar had faith.

You see, he didn’t care that the chances were against him. He knew if he went back by himself, gave up without a fight, chances are he would’ve been killed. His actions to the contrary won him control of one of the most powerful civilization’s in our history.

More, it bought him years of life he wouldn’t have had, despite his unfortunate demise.

Be like Caesar (well, don’t get murdered). Even when the odds are cast against you, even when the situation looks bleak, if there’s a chance your pushing a little harder for a little longer will bring victory, any possibility, give it a try. Have faith, even when the situation is moving against you.

Who knows, you might win out and become next dictator of "Rome", wherever that may be for you, now and in the future.

Talk to you next week!

Alex H.

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